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2024 National Day of Prayer

On Thursday, May 2, on the Butler County Courthouse lawn, local leaders, community advocates, business owners, Board of Education members, local church leaders and members, business owners, representatives of the media, and many more came out to observe and participate in the National Day of Prayer.

Opening the ceremony at noon, when communities nationwide would also be praying along, Becky Hankins opened with a little history lesson. She stated that in 1952, President Harry S. Truman proclaimed the 4th of July the National Day of Prayer, calling on all Americans to pray for their communities and their nation. Later, President Ronald Reagan changed the date to the first Thursday in May to be observed at noon nationwide. Playing praise and worship music, Franklin Wiggins, Crossland Community Church Campus Pastor, performed “Great Are You Lord.” Next up, Gina Tynes of Hocker Family Insurance read the scripture on the National Day of Prayer website, 2 Samuel 22:29-31. Gina prayed over the service and welcomed another song by Wiggins, “You’ve Already Won.” 

Brother David Lewis of Temple View Baptist Church prayed for the Church, and Tammie Dotson prayed for the family, asking that God be glorified and magnified. She prayed for the family that is blood, that is blended, and that is chosen. Wiggins sang “I Speak Jesus”.

Judge Executive, Tim Flener, started by quoting 1 Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge, then, first of all, m that petitions and thanksgiving be made for all people... for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. He then led a beautiful, heartfelt prayer over the government, including; local, state, and federal.


Butler County School Superintendent Robert Tuck came to pray for education and mentioned his delight at the wonderful turnout of members of our community. As he prayed, he talked about how Jesus was the Master teacher, leading us in how to love. 

Praying for the elementary schools, Harmony Taylor (Junior at BCHS), gave thanks for all of the children in our schools and for the teachers. She prayed that the teachers be granted the strength and endurance to help their students realize and reach their full potential, and that the children would be blessed with curious minds.

 Case Hooten (Junior at BCHS), prayed for the middle and high schools, asking for discernment and compassion to be instilled in the students and staff. It is important to note that this young man asked God to help the students to see their worth in His sight. He was followed by “How Great Thou Art/How Great Is Our God”. 

Mark Embry, VP Morgantown Bank & Trust, led the prayer for the media. His prayer was to bring things in the dark to light, truth to falseness, and to remove anyone who would report anything short of the truth. He prayed that God would restore righteous journalism, so that the truth can prevail. 

Jim Clark, a 24 year, E7 Navy Veteran, prayed over our military service, and the brave men and women who make up the force. He said that our hearts are heavy for those in the military, with their unwavering dedication to the cause of keeping our home safe as they work towards peace, justice and reconciliation for our community and beyond. 

Ann Burden, owner of My Mother’s Daughter Cheesecakes, stepped up to pray over local businesses. She said that when she took the leap of faith to open her shop, Jeremiah 29:7 rang in her heart and ears. God’s promises did and still ring true. In this passage, the prophet records the message from God, saying, “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Ann prayed over every business in our community, that the promises will hold for them as well. The prayer ended with the song, “Trust in God”, and all were dismissed, ending of one of the largest Day of Prayer groups the county has had in many years.


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