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Troubadour band gears up for fundraiser May 27

The Troubadour Band is having a fundraiser for Bears Den Summer Camp. May 27th from 7-10pm. Live Band, silent auction, raffles, etc. $5.00 admission. Come enjoy good music and dancing while supporting children of Butler County. Admission $5.00. Silent Auctions, Door Prizes, Raffles and more!!!


Painting classes-Tuesdays from 1-3 with Barbara Blanton at the Education Complex. No Fee.

Line Dance- Monday nights from 5-7 at the Education Complex. No Fee.Tuesday nights from 6-8 at the Education Complex. No Fee

Bears Den Summer Camp pre-registration-have only a few spots available. To pre-register call 526-9369 and leave a message. 

We will go from June 6, 2016 to July 1, 2016. We will swim 2 days a week, have field-trips 2 days a week, classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30-12:30.

(Wednesdays we will have classes from 8:30-5:30). Our theme is the “Ocean”. So our Language classes and journaling will read and be read to all about the Ocean. We will have tennis, Library, The New Kids will come for an afternoon, Nutrition, we will go to the Indian Mounds in Hopkinsville, Wolf Creek, Museum of the Barrens, John James Audubon Park, we have several service projects scheduled and several other field trips scheduled. We have a different focus each week, and there will be different classes each week. Fee:$30.00.

Friday Night Dances-$5.00, Live Band begins at 7:00 each Friday at the Education Complex.


Exercise Classes Monday Night-5-5:30 pm at the Education Complex.


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