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Super Saturday @BCHS

In collaboration with Western Kentucky University, Butler County High School Science Club student and teacher members will be hosting a Fall Super Saturday on November 21, 2015, from 1:00pm to 5:15pm with a space theme. We invite parents to come at 5:15 pm to learn with your students about the night sky. Food will also be provided. Students, a.k.a. astronomers will participate in a variety of activities teaching the basics of navigating the night sky. This day camp is for students in grades 3 through 8. Students participating in Super Saturday will not only make items dealing with science, they will also receive snacks, dinner, and a Tshirt. The price of the day camp is $20 for the first child with the cost of each additional child of only $10. If you would like your child to participate, please complete the attached registration and send a check payable to BCHS Science Club with “Super Saturday” in the memo. You may drop this off at the high school or mail this to BCHS, attn: Jennifer Davis, 1852 South Main Street, Morgantown, KY 42261.
The absolute last day to register for Super Saturday is November 13 th .
Once registration is complete, students who have registered will receive a detailed letter on the specifics of the day,dropoff and pickup arrangements, and other logistics. Please complete the registration form completely, including zip code, so we can make sure you get all of the details!We are hoping to offer scholarships to students in need of financial assistance. If you have a business that would like to make a donation for student scholarships, please contact me and we will get their name on our tshirts!
If you have any questions or concerns about anything pertaining to Super Saturday, please email
[email protected] or call Jennifer Davis at 2705262204.
Thanks for your help and we look
forward to seeing you at Super Saturday!
Jennifer Davis,Ashley Johnson,
& Shilo Hunnewell
BCHS Science Department
and Science Club Sponsors


CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION FORM:Super Saturday Registration Form 2015.pdf


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