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Operation Christmas Child Relay Center Ribbon Cutting

On Monday, November 14 at 10 am, a ribbon cutting ceremony commenced at the Gasper River Association building as a dedication for its use as a Relay Center for Operation Christmas Child, a division of Samaritan's Purse International Relief.

Operation Christmas Child is an effort to bring gifts and the gospel of Jesus to underprivileged children across the world. Since 1993, some 135 million Christmas shoe boxes have been distributed in over 100 countries worldwide. This year alone, Operation Christmas Child has set a goal of 12 million Christmas shoe boxes distributed. Since 1999, the community of Butler County has provided 9,766 boxes, and will surpass 10,000 total boxes this year.

Each Christmas box contains what is referred to as a "Wow" toy, which may be considered to be the centerpiece gift. This may be a doll, a stuffed animal or a deflated soccer ball with pump. Along with the wow toy, other smaller items are added such as small toys, jump ropes, school supplies, crayons, small musical instruments, puzzles, and many other things. Each box also comes with a complimentary child's book entitled "The Greatest Journey" which takes a child through the Bible and the story of Jesus Christ. The child will also receive the opportunity to take a 12-week course regarding the Bible and its teachings.

"It's a wonderful way to share the gospel," said Ann Givens, Relay Center Coordinator.

 Each box is marked according to gender and age group. After the gift boxes are dropped, they are prepared for shipment and distribution.

"By packing a shoebox filled with toys, craft supplies, heath and beauty items, and school supplies, we can reach children in foreign countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Every shoebox gift is truly a gospel opportunity to children who may have never received a gift in their life," said Debbie Young, Church Relations Coordinator.

The drop-off hours for Christmas shoeboxes are:

8am-5pm Tuesday through Friday

8am-4pm Saturday

2pm-4pm Sunday

8am-10am Monday, November 21 (The last day for drop-off)

More information, as well as colorful pre-printed boxes, are available by visiting


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