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Green River Ramble draws crowd to the water

The Green River Ramble was held on June 3rd as a qualifying event for the designation of a certified Kentucky Trail Town.  The first day kicked off with about 40 canoers and kayakers hitting the Green River at Reedyville and Woodbury.  Food, entertainment, opening day activities at Green River Museum, and the Butler County Park dedication was available to floaters as they came into the Ruth Moore Boat Ramp at Woodbury.

Becky and the Butler County Boys along with Don Thomason and Jennifer Griffith performed at the Charles T. Black City Park on Saturday night. 

Sunday morning kicked off with a breakfast provided by the Butler County Homemakers, a kayak giveaway, then on to Reeds Ferry for the launch to Rochester, which hosted a Community Day. 

The Morgantown Trail Town Task Force organized the 2-day event with the help of several volunteers and organizations.  According to Chairperson Melanie Hunt, surveys completed by participants will provide data for the application to gain certification as a Trail Town.



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