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Butler County Judge Executive David Fields tries out one of the Fuller Physical Therapy aqua massage machines.

Fuller Physical Therapy has a free gift for its patients and their caregivers: aqua massage. The relaxing experience is a gratis service for all Fuller Physical Therapy patients and, in an unprecedented move, also free to the patients’ caregivers and drivers.


“Aqua massage is a quick, comprehensive replacement for a standard massage that uses the force of water without getting the patient wet at all,” explains Fuller Physical Therapy President Chris Fuller. “Not only does it effectively relieve pain, but it is a delightful, relaxing experience. We witness first-hand every day how stressful it is for caregivers to be around someone in pain. So providing free sessions for these caregivers while they wait for those undergoing physical therapy treatment is our way of enabling the extended Fuller family to be as stress-free as possible. It’s all part of our holistic approach to helping those in need, whether they are a PT patient or a loved one. We are well-aware that stress-free environments promote healing. That’s what we want for everyone who comes through our doors.”


A simple way to receive a full-body massage, aqua massage involves a special machine that exerts a warm force of water.  The patient lays fully clothed on a bed similar to how a person would experience an MRI. The machine covers the person up to the head and is equipped with a waterproof barrier that enables forces of water to effectively massage the patient.


Fuller says aqua therapy offers plenty of benefits. “It can relax all your muscles or the therapist can pinpoint a particular area for the water therapy. Circulation is increased and it is extra soothing to sore muscles.


“It also provides a lot of options. The warm water jets can rotate back and forth over the body for a comprehensive massage at various rates of speed or slowly treat an area of discomfort. Also, the patient can use a hand control to alter the amount of water flow or halt the procedure when they feel they have had enough. Most people find it relaxing for the body, mind and soul.”


Some lay in the machine and listen to music. Others just concentrate on the flow of water as it reduces tension and stress.


The therapy has become so popular that the practice will have an aqua massage machine at the newest Fuller PT office in Morgantown, where the grand opening is set for November 2nd. 


For additional information or to schedule an appointment phone the Leitchfield office at (270) 259-0551 or visit






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