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Five Questions: Chad Tyree/Candidate for Butler County Judge-Executive

Chad Tyree

Background:  I am Chad Tyree, Butler County’s Republican Candidate for Judge Executive.  I am 45 years old.  My wife Rebecca Tyree RN and I are raising our two children Emily age 15 and Duncan age 11 on our cattle farm in Quality KY at 6991 Huntsville Quality Road (HWY 106).  My current primary occupation is that of a project manager/project management support/market development with a full service civil contracting firm.  My family and I raise Black Angus/Simmental Angus cross cattle here on our farm in Quality.  I’m a partner with my wife of our self-storage, LLC where I develop and help manage our properties.  I am also Butler County’s current 3rd district Magistrate and have held the office since 2011, 7 years.


1. Broadly speaking, what are the primary reasons you are seeking the office for which you are running?


The primary reason for seeking the office of Judge Executive is to further cultivate all the current greatness and potential that exist in Butler County for all of Butler County.  I believe in maintaining a rural, close, neighborly community while promoting technologies, investment in community, and bringing parties (City, rural development clubs, chambers of commerce, school systems, area development districts as well as other organizations) together to achieve more for Butler County, collectively.  I know I have a unique skill set to do just that.  After graduating from UK’s college of engineering, until today, I have spent over two decades working on hundreds of civil projects throughout Kentucky and several surrounding states.  With this experience I have gained knowledge for the things that have worked for communities and even seen a few that did not.  I want to bring this experience, that of a person that has had to bring employees, equipment, and materials, together under contract to make things work within budget, and on schedule, back to Butler County. 

I was born and raised here in Butler County, Rebecca and I choose to raise our children on the farm we bought here in Butler County.  That said, I intend to help Butler County and leave it for others better than I found it.



2. What specific qualifications do you possess that allow you to be effective in the position you are seeking?


First, right out of the gate, I currently hold the office of Butler County‘s third district magistrate.  Being part of the fiscal court over the past 7 years has allowed me to gain firsthand experience.  Secondly, my educational background, having a Bachelor’s of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE).  Civil Engineers throughout history have been tasked with making civil society better, using physical and scientific principles for solving problems.  One must define a task before finding the solution.  Thirdly, my work experience uniquely qualifies me for Butler County’s Judge Executive.  Prior to and after graduating in ’95 from UK, I played a many roles in management positions while often working in the “trenches” alongside fellow personnel to complete hundreds of civil construction projects.  Some projects were small, others valued in the tens of millions of dollars.  Being in this position for more than two decades required that I stay out in front of and engaged with employees, equipment, materials, budgets, and schedules.  I had to produce, all the while dealing with laws, regulations, personnel needs, and equipment maintenance.    I have been lead for several years now, to teach a married couples Sunday school class at Union Missionary Baptist Church.  This has help to cultivate His message as well as develop my ability to deliver His message.  Lastly, work ethic.  I worked while getting my education.  I have maintained full time employment prior to and after graduation up through today.  While working full time my wife and I bought, developed, and are now operating a cattle farm.  I also have personal experience developing other properties and businesses.  I am pragmatic, down to earth, and level headed, dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is businesslike and based on practical considerations.

"Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things."

- Warren Bennis


3. Identify the key issues (task) impacting the position for which you are running and describe how you would propose to address them as a public officeholder?


Key issues impacting the Judge Executive (as well as our fiscal court) are finance, education, workforce and execution of action just to name a few from a very long list.  With respect to finance (our tax dollars), education, and execution, along about 2014/2015 fiscal year our county did not have enough carry over revenue in the general fund to create a balanced budget going forward.  Tough decisions and cuts had to be made, policies reviewed and actions taken.  During this time I seen the importance of informing the public and fellow court members as to the cause and effects of such.  I took it upon myself with the help of our county treasurer to publicly illustrate with in a format that would best convey the shortfalls.  This helped to inform others how funds are tied to one another as well as to other elected county offices and their employee’s wages and benefits.  I also prepared and published articles that helped to clearly explain the reality of the situation in a professional manner not defaming others.  These efforts helped Butler County get through this tough time, WITHOUT raising taxes or CUTTING SERVICES for our citizens.

Also important is working with our education professionals and others to help our developing youth become productive members of our community, and fostering an atmosphere that promotes technical training and post-secondary education among all ages.  Industry is a product of profitable markets.  Industry requires good employees to stay profitable.  That said, a productive workforce with good wage jobs will grow our tax base essentially lessening the tax burden on each of us.  I am the candidate that has the education, experience, personality and work ethic to define the pieces needed, put them together, and put them to work for all of Butler County. 

With regards to execution, not only in my private life as a developer, cattle farmer, and project manager, I have also played major roles publicly as magistrate to make things happen, and get things done.  Full disclosure, I can NOT take full credit for all of the following abbreviated list, yet I have always been focused on empowering folks with the tools they need to perform.  As Butler County’s 3rd district magistrate, I have often taken a lead when it comes to informing people, creating policy and providing tools needed to succeed in times of need.  Most recently and still ongoing, creating a healthy and transparent working relationship between the ambulance taxing district board and fiscal court to secure the best possible 911 dispatch service while being most fiscally responsible ending years of less than desirable public perception relationships between Fiscal Court and that service.  Another recently completed project that I helped to design, and oversee construction are the newly constructed approach ramps to the Rochester Ferry.  I have also played major roles in the review and updating of the fiscal court’s personnel policy, and helped to create a more decisive county road policy that more clearly defines the parameters in which a road is taken on under our county maintenance program.  There is so much more…



4. As a potential or current elected official, what do you see as the proper role and function of local government?


To paraphrase Governor Matt Bevin, from his January 17, 2018 state of the state address, and put my own spin on it, the role of government is Protection, Infrastructure, and Education (P.I.E.).  Furthermore, it is the fair distribution to everyone their piece of the P.I.E. as well as being responsible with tax dollars.  As it relates to our local government protection is our police, ambulance service, 911/dispatch, fire, and other first responder/emergency management team members.  All start at the county level and are of the utmost importance to every citizen and must be managed in a way that provides the best service possible and be fiscally responsible.  When it comes to infrastructure, it comes down to roads and bridges, as well as utilities, such as water, electric power, sewer, and yes fast reliable broadband connection in today’s world.  You will not find another candidate on the ballot with a better understanding of infrastructure and the relationships between service providers.  Local government plays a large role in our county roads, and some role in state roads, while local service providers typically manage and maintain our local utilities.  Partnering relationships, between all agencies and government are important to insure the best infrastructure for our community.  The final piece of the P.I.E., education, is also important.  The primary role of the Butler County Fiscal Court as it relates to our local school board is to approve or not approve school tax rates as presented to the fiscal court by the school board.  Personally, I have volunteered to be a presenter for various career days at the schools.  It is also important for local government to be aware of the needs of our local school system.  Having one child in elementary school and one in high school here in the county, and as a member of Butler County fiscal court I am well aware of security needs as well as budgetary topics related to our local education system.  Local government should be actively engaged in local school systems and making every efforts to help secure grants, and being a part of helping our youth be productive community members.



5. What is your long-term vision for Butler County?  For example, what kind of community would like to be in ten years?

I see a Butler County with a much more streamline local government.  One that is engaged in workforce development, working with our city, state and federal government, alongside agencies, education professionals and faith based organizations to build an effective team for workforce.  A Butler County that continues to promotes professionalism in its election process, electing qualified people willing to go to work for Butler County.  A Butler County that is informed, clearly seeing that Butler County has some of the lowest local tax rates compared to other local counties via posted comparisons by our PVA.  Also having electronic access (email) to meeting agendas and as many supporting document as possible prior to and during meetings. A Butler County, having pride in community, and understanding the value of investment in community. 

In ten years I see a more cultivated and stronger Butler County, one in which I have stood up to those that want to tear us apart through riding on or bringing up old negative issues as current, for personal gain.  I see a Butler County that my children will want to stay and raise their children here, while enjoying the positive community spirit that I know exists here.




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