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Times may change but for the past 100 years, families in Kentucky have looked to Cooperative Extension Service to learn better ways to be healthy. Starting in 1914, home demonstration agents brought the latest research to farm kitchens or outdoor canning clubs, showing new ways to preserve garden produce to prevent foodborne illness. During World War II, growing good food and using nutrition to keep soldiers and the home front healthy was patriotic priority for both home demonstration agents and the families they served.
Today, families continue to turn to the Cooperative Extension Service as they want to know even more about food and nutrition to feel good, look good and enjoy a long healthy life. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s research-based ChooseMyPlate food plans are a great way to get started, especially if you are interested in weight loss.  USDA’s ChooseMyPlate tools (found at help you plan and personalize what you put on your plate, bowl or glass to get what you body needs to feel great.
Practicing good nutrition simply means that you are eating foods that contain the nutrients that your body needs in the amounts necessary for good health. Protein builds muscles; carbohydrates and fats kick in energy; vitamins and minerals regulate body functions; and water nourishes everything. Each of these is found in different food groups such as fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy, protein and oils.
As you explore the ChooseMyPlate food group lists, you’ll find different foods in each group that you can try to make meals more interesting. Create your personal profile and check out ways to help manage body weight such as:
•    The BMI Calculator identifies if you are at a healthy weight, underweight, overweight or obese.
•    The SuperTracker is an online tool that helps you track what you currently eat and drink, gives you a personalized plan, and guides you to make better choices. Just start with a personal profile.
•    The Daily Food Plan shows you the types and amounts of food to eat within your calories allowance. The plan is personalized for you, based on your age, gender, height, weight and physical activity level. Specialized plans are available for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and for young children.
•    Physical activity links help you understand the importance of activity, the number of calories you will burn doing different activities and tips on increasing your activity level.
•    Healthy eating tips provide sample menus, meal plans and tips such as making your plate colorful for nutrition, making half your plate fruits and vegetables and making at least half of your grains whole grain. Tips for vegetarians are included. You can even register and receive ChooseMyPlate tips by email to keep your motivated.
If you don’t have access to the website, visit the Cooperative Extension Service Office to get assistance with your personalized ChooseMyPlate Resources.
For more information, contact the Butler County Extension Office at 112 East G L Smith Street, Morgantown or call 526-3767. Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. 

Source:  Janet Johnson, Allen County extension agent for family and consumer sciences

Tracy M. Cowles, County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences


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