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Don Locke: Looking Thru Bifocals....

Blind Prejudice:
    A judge in a high-profile murder case refused to hear new DNA evidence which cast doubt on the guilt of a person who had already served 16 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.  “There is no new evidence”, he “all the evidence was there at the original crime scene”, he declared.  He refused to grant a new trial.  Blind prejudice- a closed mind.
    The judge even refused on explanation of how DNA works.  That it is non-bias. That it can either convict on a quit.  It is what it is.  The case was overturned by a higher court.  The man was released from prison.
    I once asked a poured in coverete democrat if he knew the other party’s candidate was the best man, would he vote for him.  “No”, he said.  If he is not a democrat, he is not the best man.”  Mind closed – case closed.
    Great people can fall prey to blind prejudice sometimes. In World War II, Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and Omar Bradley were skeptical of the news from the front that there was a massive buildup of German troops along the Belgium border. This was to be Hitler go for brake push into Belgium to capture the vital part of Antwerp.  Even though this vital information came from the troops at the point who witnessed the build-up, Eisenhower and Bradley refused to believe Hitler had the means left to affect such a push.  They were wrong.  Their bias resulted in the infamous Battle of the Bulge-one of the bloodiest, most costly battles of World War II.
    Virtually the same thing happened to General Douglas McArthur during the Korean War.  He refused to believe front line reports that communist (red) Chinese soldiers were fighting alongside North Korean Communist soldiers; that several divisions of Red Chinese were poised across the Yalu River in Manchuria.  When they charged in-mass, our troops had no re-improvements; they were pushed clear back to Saul, with several hundred trapped at the Cho-seen Reservoir to die.  Sad.  Blind prejudice.  There is a Bible passage that says, “Come now, let us reason together.” 
                                Kindest regards…


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