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Christine Bratcher: Creating Blessings, one stitch at a time

Alice Cox finishing a bed shawl.

I want to congratulate Linda Pendley for receiving a blue ribbon for her quilt and blue ribbon for her crochet blue blanket. I received a Blue ribbon and Grand Champion for my crochet shawl, Beverly Haves get 3 blue ribbons, and red ribbon and a Grand Champion for her plastic canvas doll, plastic canvas picture, crochet ruana (poncho/shawl), crochet pink and blue shawl. Wilma Logan won a blue ribbon and Grand Champion for her quilt. Theresa Coleman received a red ribbon for her embroidered quilt. Because needlework is my love I think of these first and congratulate them all for their hard work and for entering the Catfish Festival Open Division classes. There were many other entries in photography, painting, jewelry making canning and baking.  I encourage everyone to start planning next year’s entries now. After all, this is our county fair and our winners are eligible for the Kentucky State Fair. I would love to see a really big entry from Butler County, vegetables, canning, baking, all the wonderful things Butler Contains can do.

 Bev Hayes Shawel

The Butler County Knitters and Crocheters have finally finished the project of bed shawls for the Physical Therapy Unit at the nursing home.  Cindy Amos, Activities director, will be posting pictures soon.  The ladies really put their hearts into the labor of love and the colors and patterns are new and really beautiful. Thanks to. Kathy Vernon, Beverly Hayes, Sibyl, Shelton, Linda Pendley, Alice Cox, Gladys Brooks, Anna Bratcher, Nancy Burden, Jonell Johnson and Christine Bratcher for a total of 21-bed shawls.

   Wilma Logan's Quilt

Brenda Longhofer brought some scrubbies a friend had made the “old fashioned way” with net cut into strips. We have been showing this method to some of us who have only used scrubby yarn.  I think the rough (cheap) net cut into 1 ½” strips and crocheted makes the best scrubbies, but there are enough different methods to suit everyone.  Drop by the Butler County Library at 11 am Monday and we will show you how too.  No charge!!

 Ruana - Bev Hayes




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