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Butler County Antique Engine and Tractor Club held their 10th annual tractor show.

The Butler County Antique Engine and Tractor Club held their 10th annual tractor show at the Charles Black City Park in Morgantown on Friday, August 5, and Saturday, August 6.  Secretary of the club, Brent Carnithan, said they had 138 registered entries including tractors, engines, lawn mowers, and antique automobiles.  President of the Club, Troy Dunn, said, “I’m happy with the turn-out.  We had a big increase in the lawn and garden category this year.  We also had a good turn-out for the parade through town.” 

Several family members of former club member, Steve Meredith, were at the show with his tractor.  His wife, Rhonda Meredith, said after he died earlier in the year, several of the club members restored his tractor.  “These guys have been such a blessing to me,” Meredith said.

The proceeds from the raffles of this year’s show went to the Butler County Boys and Girls Club and the Morgantown Mission. 

Awards were given in each category for the person who drove the furthest.  Andy Grace from Hopkinsville won the lawn and garden category.  Kenny and Julie Wilson from Boaz won the tractor category.  Tyler Dudgeon from Falls of Rough won the automobile category.  Debra Daugherty from Edmonton won the engine category.

To join the Butler County Antique Engine and Tractor Club, contact Troy Dunn (president), Roger Tanner (vice president), Brent Carnithan (secretary), or Kim Dunn (treasurer).  A yearly membership is $10 for an individual or $15 for a household.

Hershel House and Johnny House with their Stone Burr Grist Mill

Troy Dunn by his tractor.

McGuyer Lee, son of Todd and Britney Lee, driving Brent Carnithan's tractor. (Brent riding)


Bob McPherson's tractor.


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