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The Born Learning Academy: A Foundation for Your Child's Success

Butler County Family Resource Center

It’s the simple things that make a difference in building a young child’s foundation for success in school and life.   It’s not flash cards or expensive educational toys, it’s making your grocery trip into a treasure hunt for colors and shapes. Turn bath time into a silly song about body parts. Even dinner can become a learning opportunity, as your toddler builds math skills by counting eggs.  Sound simple? Well, that’s the idea—to turn everyday activities into opportunities for parents to encourage learning.  The United Way Born Learning Academy offers you tips, tools and resources to do just that. It’s a series of free workshops that provide your family with tools and resources to turn everyday activities into early learning moments.

Please join us at the next workshop!

Where:  Morgantown Elementary Cafeteria         Food and Childcare Provided

When:  5:00 Monday January 9th at Morgantown Elementary

Who: All Butler County Families with children who are not yet enrolled in Kindergarten

To Register Contact the BC Family Resource Center 270-526-5660


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