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BCHS Fall Sports Senior Night

The Johnson Family. photo by Jeremy Hack

Butler County High School recognized the senior athletes on the football team, golf team, cross-country team, dance team, cheerleaders and water girls. Students and their parents were introduced. Thank you to all the players, coaches, parents and families who have supported these programs and help make 2017 a great year!

Houston Hampton is the son of Steve and Keila Hampton of Logansport and played football for five years.  He plans to attend college.

Brendan Shanklin is the son of Shannon Abbott of Rochester and Mark Shanklin to Todd County and played football for eight years.  He plans on pursuing a career in welding.

Christian McKee is the son of Robert E. McKee of the Fifth District and Penny Young of Leonard Oak.  He has played football for six years and plans on becoming an NFL kicker.

Daltyn Havens is the son of Lloyd and Tabby Havens of the Fifth District. He has played football for 15 years and undecided on what he will be doing after graduation.

Tanner Herrera is the son of Sophia Goforth and Jose Herrera of Morgantown.  He has played football for five years and plans to pursue a career as a trauma surgeon.

Colton Embry is the son or Corey Embry of Allen County and Angela Price of Bowling Green.  He has played football for five years and plans to attend WKU and pursue a career as an athletic trainer.

Andrew Henry is the son of Tina Alford of Morgantown and Ron Henry of Bowling Green.  He has played football for five years and plans on playing college football and baseball.

Cole Maxfield is the son of Dave and Courtney Maxfield of Provo.  He has played football for two years and plans to join the military or pursue a degree in welding.

Noah Beasley is the son of Randy and Donnittia Beasley.  He has played football for 12 years.  He plans to attend WKU.

Water Girls

Kenzie Hunt is the daughter of Jerry and Dana Hunt of Morgantown.  She has been water girl for the football team for one year. She plans to pursue a degree in nursing.

Amber Blunk is the daughter of Barbara and Rickey Henderson of the Fifth District.   She has been water girl for the football team for seven years. She plans to pursue a degree in nursing.

Dance Team

Aaliyah Dockery is the daughter of Angela and Donald Dockery of Morgantown.  She has been a member of the dance team for one year.  She plans to attend WKU.


Jessica Danielle White is the daughter of Cheryl White of Welches Creek and Justin White of Breckinridge County.  She has cheered for six years and plans to become a neonatal nurse.

Starr Lawrence is the daughter of Brandi and Wayne Lawrence of Morgantown.  She has cheered for seven years and plans to pursue a degree in law.


Justin Hudnall is the son of Leeann and Jeremy Hudnall of Morgantown.  He has played on the golf team for six years and plans to attend medical school.

Cole William Johnson and Clay Willis Johnson are the twin sons of Robbi and Brian Johnson of Logansport.  They have been on the golf team for four years and plans to attend WKU.

Cross Country

Hannah Logan is the daughter of Gabe Logan of Davis Crossroads and Vicky Logan of Franklin.  Se has run cross country for seven years.  She plans to attend SKY Tech and pursue a degree as a physical therapist assistant.

Photos by Jeremy Hack, Beech Tree News


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