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Around the County...

Again this weekend there were several activities going on in Butler County.The Fifth District Volunteer Fire Department held a Fish Fry on Sunday afternoon.  Several came out to enjoy fish, fries, coleslaw, baked beans, and dessert.  All proceeds went to the Fire Department.

The City of Morgantown hosted Free Flu Shots on Monday at City Hall.  Several came out and received their 2015 Flu Shot. This service is provided by the WKU Institute of Rural Health and the City of Morgantown.


The Morgantown-Butler County Chamber of Commerce celebrated there 33rd year with an Open House on Monday.


Secretary Annette Jared welcomed everyone and served cake and punch. 

On a motion by John Hutcheson and a second by Bill Cook the Morgantown Business Association disbanded and the Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1981.  The new directors included: Ron Jent, John Hutcheson, and Weymouth Martin Jr., all chosen for a three year term.  Picked to serve a two year term were Dallas Embry, Gerald Jones, and Bob McPherson.  Mike McKown, Frank Hackathorn and Joe Forsythe were elected to serve one year terms.

The log cabin that houses the Chamber of Commerce was first set up across from the Prescription Center (now Fred’s Pharmacy) on a lot provided by Dr. Richard T.C. Wan.  The building was donated by Earl Wilson and Joel Duke of E & J Home Builders, Mac Coleman and crew from Coleman Concrete Construction teamed up with Jerry Martin and Denzil Coleman of Coleman & Martin Construction to move the structure.  Thurston Tomes Construction donated the work on the roof.


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