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Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

“Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy”.  Every one of us gets offended every now and then.  It just happens.  I understand that.  What I don’t understand, however, is the moment in time where people would get so easily offended. 
Now that Warner Brothers will stop licensing Dukes of Hazzard products that have the Confederate flag, I guess that would be filed under “times are changing”.   This has not been an issue for 30+ years.  If it has, it’s certainly not been brought to light like it has now.  So, who was the whistleblower? Who said, “This offends me.  I simply must put a stop to it”!
Imagine if I set out to put a stop to everything that offended me.  Granted, over the past few years, I’m finding that I’m offended by less and less.  Rather, I don’t let as much stuff bother me as I would formerly.  Imagine if we were able to rid the world of everything that offended us.  Go ahead, give it a minute.  I’ll wait.  (Jeopardy music plays in my head).  We good? How’d that go in your head? The world was pretty empty, wasn’t it? Did you say “hello” and the world’s largest echo was heard?
I saw the perfect sentiment on a meme online pertaining to how we as a country operate in this day and age.  It said “Ban anything that could potentially hurt feelings”.  Isn’t that really what we’re looking at here? “That hurt my feelings.  I will rail against it online and someone important will listen and do something about it”.  The scary thing is, that’s exactly what’s happening! It’s rather juvenile, isn’t it? At the same time, it’s devilishly genius. 
I think Kacey Musgraves’ song “Biscuits” should be played everywhere.  Presidential candidates who aren’t afraid to do so (which are none, by the way), play it on the campaign trail.  Crank it up as you’re driving down the road so everyone can hear it.  Artists aren’t scared of offending people.  Why are we? I’m guessing that even those who feel as though they can’t blare the song like it at least a little.  I mean, who doesn’t love Kacey Musgraves? Wait, did this column just end as a love letter to Kacey Musgraves? Oh well.


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