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Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain 2011

This past year has been one of good and not so good times.  Sunday May 1 was the height of awesome.  Bin Laden had been taken out.  The country told me to have a good birthday month that night (ok, maybe not).  I knew as I was sitting there watching that night that history was being made.  How do I transition from that into light-hearted fare of the rest of my column? Like this.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

During the year of 2011, we’ve witnessed many changes worldwide. The events mentioned below are significant 2011 events arbitrarily ordered and of course, are only ‘the tip of the iceberg.’

World events that I believe are important included the following:

•    The unrest in the Middle East, including the deaths of Osama bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi.
•    The earthquake and tsunami in Tokyo, as well as the nuclear reactor accidents.
•    The financial woes of European nations.
•    The famine in southern Somalia (reportedly the worst in 60 years).


Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

Someone said there ought to be a special place in Heaven for people who do NOT have a telephone answering machine. A-MEN-BROTHER-BEN. They are a pain in the keister; besides that, people don't pay much attention to them because they seldom call back. Some days ago I called a house which I knew had at least 3 phones . . .maybe four. I got the proverbial, "please leave name and number . . . we'll get back to you." Did they? Naw . . . not yet.


Out on a Limb: Everything Tells A Story

John Embry

I love my home.  I guess I've always known this but it really hit me last night.  We hosted the Embry family Christmas celebration, which was a huge success.  I think we had around 40 descendants/relatives of Audra and Eva Embry at our home.  It was great and a testament to them.  


Cheryl Hughes: My Career As a Woman

My niece, Naonna, moved back home this month—she is from the Shelbyville area.  She has been living with us off and on for the past two years.  Naonna is in the National Guard, and she took a new job in supply in Frankfort.


Tiffany Hampton: Life in Logansport

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through our house, Nerf bullets were flying, even at the mouse.  The stockings were hung beside the stairs, In hopes that Santa would see theirs.  Mac and Tucker were nestled in their beds, While dreams of more nerf guns danced in their heads.  Mark in his robe, and I in my gown, all were asleep and settled down.  When all of a sudden we heard a noise, I sprang from the bed to check the boys.  They were fine, so I ran to the door, Mark tripped on his robe and fell to the floor.  The moon shined through right where he lay, trying not to l


Making a list, fact-checking it twice

While Santa’s busy checking his list, I’m inspecting claims that spending sleigh-fuls of money on government preschool programs would result in long-term improvement for Kentucky’s children.

During his recent inaugural speech, Gov. Steve Beshear made it clear he wants to return to the twin policy towers of his 2007 campaign – expanded gambling and a big-government early childhood program. But he doesn’t seem interested in divulging specific details about either.

His political pals, however, aren’t as shy.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

It’s time, once again, for the Big Dummy of the Year Awards.  The Fred Sanford inspired award has four nominees this year.  Why only four, you ask? Well, as per the nomination process, and this is a rather light-hearted award, I’ve decided to lay off the recent Penn State scandal.  Haven’t we all heard enough about that mess?


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

When my daughters were small, I read a children’s story book to them before bedtime. One of my favorite books was “Twas the Night before Christmas.” I probably read it much too often between Thanksgiving and Christmas. My children could say the lines as I read them.


Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

You'll not see this until November is gone . . . the month we always pay special honor to our veterans. And December 7th just passed . . . as FDR called it "A date that will live in infamy." My generation simply knew it as "Pearl Harbor," the Japanese attack that led the U.S. to declare war on the Axis powers of Japan, Germany, and Italy.



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