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Poll Archive

Do you agree or disagree with President Obama's decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq?

Agree. We've been there too long, the job is done, and it's costing us too much money.
74% (77 votes)
Disagree. Leaving now will jeopardize the hard-fought progress we've made there and destabilize the country.
26% (27 votes)
Total votes: 104

Are national "No Child Left Behind" goals and state-mandated C.A.T.S testing the best indicators of a successful school?

Yes, NCLB goals and CATS testing are the best indicators of schools that are doing a good job educating students.
13% (17 votes)
No, NCLB goals and CATS testing are not good indicators of schools that are doing a good job educating students.
87% (113 votes)
Total votes: 130

With a little over two months until Christmas, have you started your Christmas shopping?

No, haven't even started.
75% (76 votes)
Yes, already finished.
3% (3 votes)
I've done some but have a lot more to do.
23% (23 votes)
Total votes: 102

Do you plan on getting a flu shot this year?

Yes, I do plan on getting a flu shot.
19% (26 votes)
No, I do not plan on getting a flu shot.
45% (60 votes)
I have already gotten a flu shot this year.
36% (48 votes)
Total votes: 134

Do you support the "Occupy Wall Street" movement that has spread across the United States?

No, it is mostly comprised of people wanting government to take care of them and expand the welfare state.
39% (27 votes)
Yes, it is a grassroots movement trying to bring about positive change through protest and government action.
30% (21 votes)
Undecided. I agree with part of what they are saying but also disagree with other parts.
30% (21 votes)
Total votes: 69

Which Republican presidential candidate do you think would have the best chance of defeating President Obama?

Mitt Romney
32% (48 votes)
Herman Cain
36% (54 votes)
Rick Perry
15% (23 votes)
Newt Gingrich
2% (3 votes)
Michele Bachmann
5% (7 votes)
Jon Huntsman
1% (1 vote)
Rick Santorum
1% (1 vote)
Ron Paul
10% (15 votes)
Total votes: 152

Should the Butler County School District continue drug testing students and staff members?

No, it is not a wise use of money and is unnecessary.
19% (27 votes)
Yes, it is a wise use of money and a needed program.
81% (115 votes)
Total votes: 142

If the election for Kentucky governor/lt. governor was held today, for whom would you vote?

Gatewood Galbraith/Dea Riley (Independent)
9% (11 votes)
Steve Beshear/Jerry Abramson (Democrat)
42% (51 votes)
David Williams/Richie Farmer (Republican)
40% (49 votes)
I do not plan to vote for any of these candidates.
8% (10 votes)
Total votes: 121

When should Halloween trick-or-treating be scheduled? (Morgantown City Council moved it this year to Saturday, October 29)

Rescheduled to a different day only if Halloween falls on a Sunday.
53% (104 votes)
Halloween - October 31 - regardless of which day it falls.
43% (84 votes)
Rescheduled to a day close to Halloween as determined by local government.
5% (9 votes)
Total votes: 197
