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City Council Meeting

Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 6:00pm

Morgantown City Council Regular Meeting Agenda
EJH Ag and Expo Center-February 11, 2016 at 6:00 pm
•    Call to Order
•    Invocation
•    Pledge of Allegiance
•    Determination of Quorum
•    Approval of Minutes
•    January 14, 2015   
•    Approve Agenda
•    Recognition
•    Reports
•    Chief of Police
•    Maintenance
•    City Administrator: Morgantown Renaissance
•    Mayor
•    Communication/Announcements
•    State of Emergency
•    Smoking at Park
•    Unfinished Business

•    New Business
•    Closed Session
•    Yearly Update: Insurance Premium Tax
•    Adjournment