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Fundraiser for Roger Tanner Huge Success

“You never know how many friends you have until a time of need,” you hear this quote often but Roger Tanner knew on Saturday as a continuous flow of people filled the 2nd District Fire Department.  A fundraiser was organized by Barbara Duncan, Susie Schenborn, Becky Grise , Kathy Oberhausen and many others to  help with hospital bills for  Tanner, who had been injured in a tractor accident.

A soup and sandwich lunch kicked things off followed by an auction.  There was music and singing by Russ Funk, Resurrection Bound, Becky Grise, and Susie Schoenborn. 

“I just want to say thank you to everybody, this means a lot to me,” said Tanner.  So many people have come by my house, helped me with my crops, brought me food, and even blew the leaves away from my house.  I didn’t know I had this many friends. Thanks to everybody.”


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