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Don Locke: Looking Thru Bifocals....

I suppose there are different kinds of lies- some for different reasons.  I lie at times to spare someone’s feelings.  I’ve lied to the cashier at restaurants when asked, “Was everything all right?”  There may have been “rocks in the beans and sand in the meat,” but to avoid embarrassment or sounding like a sorehead, I’ll say “fine.”
I know we should always practice the truth lest we fall into the sin of lying.  However sometimes we are caught between a rock and a hard place. This was the case one day as I was coming from the boys’ outhouse at my country school when I was seven or eight.  I had no sooner stepped out of the door than I faced the big room, man teacher (6th, 7th, and 8th) with a paddle in his hand.  He had several boys from the big room questioning them- the boys range in age from 14 to 16; big boys.
The teacher asked me if I had seen any or the boys smoking “when I was in there.” The boys were giving me threatening looks; the teacher had a big paddle.  I was caught between.  I knew they had been smoking, but I didn’t know who.  I really didn’t see any particular one.  The smoke was so thick you could cut it with a fire ax.  I said I hadn’t.  I lied.  I was afraid but the way he put the question I couldn’t point-out any one boy.  So I guess it was sort of a half –lie. 
Heck, the teacher knew they were smoking. Smoke was pouring out every crack in the outhouse.  He only wanted me to point the finger.  I didn’t. I couldn’t, too smokey.
That evening after school the teacher went to my house and told my parents I lied to him.  After I had told them my side they knew my situation.  I wasn’t punished.  They just let it drop.  They were wise.
Kindest regards…


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